Monday, March 9, 2009


Join us on Monday March 9th from 7pm to 9pm for our regular monthly meeting of PFLAG Peel. All are welcome, we discuss, chat, and share our experiences to support each other as parents, friends/families of LGBTQ people. Associated Youth Services of Peel 100 Matheson blvd East suite 103,Mississauga Check out for more information Please call Gracelyn at 647-289-4885 if you have questions!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Trans Training 2009

Trans Training 2009 for Peel is happening March 12. Spaces are limited, please RSVP before March 6 to or call 905-602-4082

Cost: 30.00 (lunch included)

Time: 9-1

Venue: East Mississauga CHC, 2555 Dixie Road, Unit 7, Mississauga

This is a REPEAT training from last year, if you've already taken the training we'd love to hear from you:

What changes have you made based on what you learned about Trans communities?

What barriers have you faced in making changes?

Would you recommend this workshop to other service providers and professionals?

What would you like to see happen beyond training?

Any other feedback?