Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Anti-Oppression Review at East Mississauga CHC

* The Town Hall Meeting has been rescheduled, it will now be taking place October 15th at 6:00PM! *

East Mississauga Community Health Centre is currently finalizing a comprehensive, independent anti-oppression review. This is an opportunity to discuss the findings and recommendations with the Consultants involved in this process and to hear from the agency about some critical next steps in the process. The Town Hall will be a safe space for key informants and stakeholders to fully participate, welcoming stakeholders with a direct service or partnership relationship with EMCHC.

To participate, or for more information, please contact our consulting team at reviewao2015@gmail.com or 416-997-4509.

For information on the Town Hall, you can also visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/991680770899642/

We hope you can join us!